Academic Advisement Center

Assessment Tools to Help You Choose a Major

Okay, so you’ve been “exploring,” but you are still “undecided” about choosing a major because:

  • You are overwhelmed – there are too many majors from which to choose.
  • You have too many interests to narrow down just one major, or too few interests in any one subject area.
  • You are afraid to make the “wrong” choice.
  • Your parents/friends/high school guidance counselor think you should major in something that doesn’t interest you.
  • You are stuck, and you need help!

Help is available at the Academic Advisement Center (AAC). The AAC offers tools which help you to better understand your personality type and interests using the Myer’s Briggs and Strong Interest Inventory assessment tools.

So, stop spinning your wheels. Make an appointment with the Academic Advisement Center, and get yourself on the road to making a “major discovery.” Email to receive information on how to take the assessments.