Academic Advisement Center

Transcript Information

Understanding Your Transcript 

To view your academic transcript:

Log into Banner and click on the ‘My Academic Transcript’ tab.

Transfer Credits

Look to the top of the transcript to find how the credits transferred to WCSU. If a student attended multiple schools, each will be listed individually with the credits completed at each institution. The grade will be “T”. While we accept the transfer credits, we do not accept the grade from another school. Your GPA will reset to 0.00 at WCSU.

Advanced Placement “AP” and CLEP Credits

Look to the top of the transcript to find what credits were awarded based upon successful completion of an AP course(s) in high school or CLEP examination(s). The grade will be “E” for examination. These have not impact on your overall GPA.  For more information:

AP Credits:

CLEP Credits

Incomplete “INC” Grade

If there is an “INC” on a transcript, the coursework has not been completed and an extension has been granted. Students must remain in communication with the professor of the course to determine what assignments need to be completed by a certain date.

Withdraw From Class

“W” – A student completed the paperwork has been officially withdrawn from a course and will not receive academic penalty.

“WF” – A student stopped attending class without officially withdrawing, or if the student decided to withdraw after the official withdrawal date without permission from an instruction, students receive a “WF” indicating a Withdrawn Failing Grade. This does have academic penalty and is equivalent to an “F” grade.

Calculating GPA

In order to determine a student’s GPA, letter grades are assigned numerical values. The numerical weight given each grade is then multiplied by the number of credits (semester hours) assigned to
each course. For example, a grade of “B” in a three-credit course would merit (3.0 x 3) = 9.0 quality points.

(3 credit courses)          QP = Quality Points
GPA = Grade Point Average

A  = 12.00 QP 4.00 GPA
A- = 11.01 QP 3.67 GPA
B+ = 9.99 QP, 3.33 GPA
B  =  9.00 QP, 3.00 GPA
B- = 8.01 QP, 2.67 GPA
C+ = 6.99 QP, 2.33 GPA
C =  6.00 QP, 2.00 GPA
C- = 5.01 QP, 1.67 GPA
D+ = 3.99 QP, 1.33 GPA
D = 3.00 QP, 1.00 GPA
D- = 2.01 QP, 0.67 GPA
F  = 0.00 QP, 0.00 GPA

To calculate your GPA, take the total number of QP and divide the total number of credits attempted.

Students can use a GPA Calculator:

  • Log into Banner
  • Click on ‘More..’
  • Click on ‘GPA Calculator’

“RP” or “RM” Grade

RM or RP These grades are given in specified courses to permit you to improve competence without academic penalty. Required courses in which a student receives an RP must be repeated. The RM grade requires a student to work with the instructor to correct specified weaknesses until a level of competence of “C” or better has been attained.