Health Service

Norovirus Information

Intestinal viruses (“stomach bugs”) are common at this time of year.  Careful hand washing with soap and water is the best way to stay healthy.  Alcohol-based hand sanitizers do not kill all of the viruses that cause intestinal illnesses.

The most common symptoms are:

  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Nausea
  • Stomach pain

If you are feeling sick, we recommend that you go home if you are able (notify your RD) and isolate yourself to prevent the spread of illness to others.  A student may call WCSU Health Service for advise, but please do not get on the shuttle because this will further spread the infection.  The student should rest and rehydrate with clear fluids.  Do not return to school until you are symptom-free for 48 hours.


With vomiting and diarrhea, there is a risk of severe dehydration. 

The most common symptoms of severe dehydration are:

  • Decrease in urination
  • Dry mouth or throat
  • Dizziness or confusion
  • High fever
  • Bloody stools
  • Difficulty breathing

If you are experiencing any of these symptoms of dehydration, please go to the nearest emergency department.

Call 911 or the Campus Police (203-837-9300)


If you need help after hours, visit the WCSU after hours health service link for local urgent care or walk-in centers at

For more information on these types of illnesses: