Academic Advisement Center

Academic Advisement Syllabus

Mission of the Academic Advisement Center

The primary mission of the Academic Advisement Center is to assist students, who have not yet declared a major, in exploring subject areas and utilizing campus resources that will lead to the students’ timely declaration of a major while also leading to students’ development of self-assessment and critical thinking skills.

Expectations of Advisors and Advisees:

The academic advisor and the student (shall) make a commitment to work together to make the advising process efficient and effective (Undergraduate Catalog, 35)

The Academic Advisor’s Role is to:

  1. Assist exploratory students with course selections that will fulfill the general education core, while also encouraging students to explore subject areas that will lead to the declaration of a major.
  2. Assist students in assessing academic strengths and personal interests that will lead to the declaration of a major prior to attainment of 60 credits.
  3. Refer exploratory students to departments on campus that can help to fine-tune the choice of a major (i.e. Counseling Center, Career Development, faculty).
  4. Provide accurate and up-to-date information about programs and services as well as policies and procedures at the University.
  5. Encourage the student to take responsibility for academic choices and goals.

The Student’s Role is to:

  1. Make an appointment with his/her advisor when assistance is needed with course selection, registration, exploration of various majors, clarification of university policy, and referral to campus resources, as well as arriving to scheduled appointments on time.
  2. Bring appropriate paperwork (i.e. program sheets, unofficial transcript, list of proposed courses for the coming semester, list of questions for the advisor) to the scheduled appointment.
  3. Along with an advisor, assess academic strengths and interests, while working towards academic and career goals.
  4. Become familiar with the University’s policies, procedures, programs and services with the help of an advisor.
  5. Take responsibility for academic choices and pursuit of goals.


  • Undergraduate Catalog
  • Student Handbook
  • Program Sheets
  • WestConnduit/Banner

Student Learning Outcomes:

  1. Students will know how to use WestConnduit to find out who their advisor is and how to contact their advisor.
  2. Students will be familiar with the General Education core.
  3. Students will know how to use a program sheet as their “road map” to degree completion.
  4. Students will become familiar with the University’s policies, procedures, programs, and resources.
  5. Students will develop self-assessment skills and utilize campus resources that lead to the choice of a major no later than their attainment of 60 credits.