Academic Advisement Center

Responsibilities of the Advisor


    • To be knowledgeable about program(s) in which he/she advises.
    • Explain and clarify the function of general education, major field of study and elective courses.
    • To be familiar with published academic rules and regulations of the University.
    • To assist the advisee in developing a well-planned realistic program to facilitate the choice of major.
    • To develop a term-by-term curriculum plan for upcoming terms and review his/her academic progress on a regular basis.
    • To maintain a file of the advisee’s progress which may include the transcript and the student’s plan of study.
    • To discuss with the advisee his/her academic performance and its implications.
    • To establish, post and maintain adequate office hours throughout the semester.
    • Assist students in decision-making skills.
    • To refer the advisee to appropriate sources of information and services (Career Development Office, Counseling Center, math & writing labs, tutoring).