
The Substance Abuse Prevention Office (CHOICES) provides information and help for students experiencing problems related to alcohol or other substance use and abuse. All services are strictly confidential.

Our services include: information about the symptoms and early warning signs of abuse and dependence, resources and treatment available on campus or within the community, screening and assessment, peer support groups, and counseling.

Our Peer Educators provide many fun and healthy programs that positively affect attitudes and behaviors regarding alcohol and other drug use on campus and throughout life.

CHOICES also provides WCSU students online self-assessment tools called E-CHUG and E-TOKE. We also have a resource library filled with current literature and brochures on many health related topics. Students can browse or borrow any of our materials which are excellent resources for personal or academic use.


Student Support Groups

CHOICES offers several support groups for men and women: AA meetings, a student run support group, and two led by counselors. See the “Support Group” page for more info.

Support for sober students and those who wish to become sober:

CHOICES understands the challenge of being sober in college and can provide referrals to support groups, AA meetings, and outside counselors.

Confidential counseling for anyone concerned about their substance use:​

CHOICES provides confidential counseling for anyone struggling or concerned with their substance use. The office will also refer students to other support services.

Help for students concerned about someone else’s use/abuse:

CHOICES offers advisement and a variety of other services for students concerned about the substance use of their friends or family.

Peer Education Programs

CHOICES offers a wide variety of topics designed and presented by peer educators. We can create programs specific to your needs and interests. Examples include: Weed, Sex Ed, and BAC.

Fresh Check Day​

Fresh Check Day works to bring awareness of mental health resources and coping strategies to college campuses​. It is a program through the Jordan Porco Foundation.

NAMI on Campus

NAMI on Campus is a student-led, student-run mental health group that works to educate students and raise awareness, advocate for improved mental health services, and support peers with NAMI programs.

Screenings, Assesments, and Referrals for Students

CHOICES offers alcohol and drug screenings such as E-CHUG and E-TOKE for students concerned about their substance use. Counselors can also provide referrals to on and off campus resources.

Up to date information and education on drugs and alcohol

Our office is dedicated to providing the latest information and reseach on drugs and alcohol. Peer educators are responsible for researching topics before presentations and for updating older programs. Additionally, counselors frequently attend workshops to learn new techniques/information.