Media Services

Slide Projector FAQ

What format can my slides be transferred to?

Media Services can transfer your slides to just about any digital format for you (e.g. .jpg).

What will my slides be stored on?

We can put your slides on a CD for you or on the University network.

How will I show my images in class?

Just about all classrooms are now technology equipped so it’s even easier to show your media. You can access your slides from CD or network drive and they will be projected via the LCD projector in your classroom.

How long will it take for Media Services to transfer my slides?

For quantities over 50 you should give Media Services one week to do the transfer. Smaller quantities can be done more quickly.

Does it cost me anything to transfer my slides?

No. There is no cost for us to transfer your slides to a digital format.

Can I purchase stock images?

There are many companies that sell stock images. Media Services can assist in funding part of the cost of purchasing these images.

Once my slides are transferred can I throw them away?

It’s always a good idea to hold onto your slides as a back up.

Who should I contact if I have other questions?

You can contact us at 7-8757 if you have additional questions.