School of Visual & Performing Arts

Department of Art

Student Spotlight

Marcus Escribano: Senior–Photography

Marcus Escribano, senior photo student, has a career track that has been growing momentum over the past year. As a world traveler, he has been gaining international recognition for his work, while at the same time he has been able to maintain his grades at WCSU to continue to make the Dean's list. Some of his recent achievements have included: 

In May 2017, he was awarded the Allard Prize for International Integrity Photo competition, and was selected for a Photo-Graphic Group Exhibition "The Image of the Savage" at the LoosenArt Millepiani Exhibition Space in Rome, Italy. 

In June 2017, his work was selected from over 550 photographs to be exhibited in "Portraits in B&W" at Blank Wall Gallery, in Athens, Greece.

Continuing into 2018, in January his work was published in the book, "Conceptual" by LoosenArt Gallery & Magazine

February 2018 - his work was selected for a juried international photography exhibition "Just in Time" at PH21 Gallery, Budapest Hungary.

In the summer, July 2018, Marcus participated in the  Rome Art Program (RAP), Rome, Italy. As a RAP 2018 alumni, Marcus was selected to participate with his photographic work in the NY International Art Festival, Chelsea-Manhattan NYC, in Oct 2018.

Currently, Marcus is exhibiting photographs and watercolors from his time in the Rome Art Program at the Robert S. Young Library, Classroom Building, Westside Campus. The exhibition,"Impressions of Italy, Summer 2018" is on view from Nov 19 through Dec 14, 2018.