Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching (CELT)

Online Teaching of Psychology Conference

November 13th, 2020

Panel Discussion

Title: Fostering Community and Rapport in the Online Classroom

Panelists: Drs. Neeta Connally (WCSU: upper left), Kaston Anderson-Carpenter (MSU: upper right), Nicole DeRonck (WCSU: bottom left), and Sharon Young (WCSU: bottom right)

Abstract: The link between student success and sense of community in online courses is well established in the scholarship of teaching and learning. Students who feel connected to the instructor, one another and the course content are more likely persist and succeed in online learning. How can we design our courses so that a learning community flourishes and how do we sustain and promote it once the class has started? What are the factors that impact community – from social factors, to expectation settings, to class climate? Panelists will explore the dimensions of online course community, share their techniques and discuss lessons learned.

Moderator: Aura Lippincott (WCSU)

To register and for more info, visit the Online Teaching of Psychology Conference page