Office of Diversity and Equity : Campus Response & Resource Team


Last updated: December 7, 2017

Options for Reporting an Incident

Western’s Campus Resource Team (CaRRT), is available to assist and support any student who has experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking and intimate partner violence on or off campus.  Students’ confidentiality will be strictly protected in accordance with the law.

1. Formal Reporting: Contacting University Police

Reporting any of the above incidents to police does not commit you to further legal action. The earlier you report any such incident, the easier it will be for police to investigate the crime and to prosecute the case successfully if that is your choice.

Protective and/or Restraining Orders

  • A protective and/or restraining order may be requested by the courts related to any of the above
  • A court issued protective and/or restraining order prohibits someone from communicating with an alleged
    victim, from entering the victim’s residence, workplace, school, or property and any place the victim may
  • When informed that a protective and/or restraining order has been issued, Western will take immediate
    steps to enforce the order as it relates to activities on the campus. It is important that students alert
    Western Police that such an order has been issued (providing the Police with a copy of the order is
    strongly encouraged) . For more information about protective and/or restraining orders students may
    contact the University Police at (203)837-9300.

Criminal Complaint
Students may make criminal complaints with Western’s University Police Department. The Police will inform the students of their rights and options.

University Police will conduct a confidential investigation and will keep the student apprised about any decision to prosecute. The police will review all cases with the State’s Attorney’s Office. The State’s Attorney will make the final decision to prosecute under state law.
If you wish, the police will contact the Women’s Center and an advocate will meet you at the police station.

2. University Disciplinary Action:

Students may wish to contact the University Office of Judicial Affairs after a sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking and intimate partner violence to pursue university disciplinary action. A complete and detailed description of the judicial process may be found in the Student Code of Conduct,

Judicial/Disciplinary Option

  • External: If you wish to have the assailant prosecuted, the police and district attorney’s office will handle
    the legal proceedings without expense to you. You do not need to hire an attorney.
  • Internal: If the perpetrator is a member of the Western community, you also have the option to file a
    complaint through the university’s disciplinary system (see Student Handbook). In either instance, a
    university representative will be available to assist you through the process.

Students also have the additional option of filing, simultaneously, a criminal complaint by reporting an assault to the University Police.

3. Anonymous Reporting

Any individual has the right to complete an Anonymous Interpersonal Violence Form which can be found on

This form does not include any personal identifying information (e.g., name, age, address). The purpose of this form is for statistical data collection, as well as to determine possible patterns that may exist. Even with anonymous reporting, the university may investigate an incident to determine if the community is in potential danger.
* Note: University employees are required to complete an Anonymous Interpersonal Report Form when made aware of an incident related to sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking and intimate partner violence.

Assistance in Changing Living Arrangements, Class Schedules or On-campus Work Schedules
The university recognizes that students may want to change their on-campus living arrangements, class schedules and on-campus work arrangements. Students requesting these changes should contact the Director of Housing (203-837-8736) and/ or the Dean of Students (203 837-9700).

Students should not hesitate to make these requests, which will be addressed in a timely manner.